
Monday, 7 March 2016


Hi !

This picture has been given me by one of my flatmates who lives in Lublin in Poland. She showed me some pictures of her city and it's a very beautiful city. This hudge city is placed near the border with the Belarus and the Ukraine.

Today I'm talking to you about history in Poland because there is a stereotype about Poles: they are all anti-semitic. But that's false (or at least for the majority). The main example is during the 2nd World War the Nazis did the Holocaust. Unfortunately anybody teach in the scholl (in France) that in Poland it was the only country with the capital punishment for entire family to save jews! However that didn't stop Poles to save Jews because they rescued at least 450.000 Jews from the Holocaust.

Since this event, the Holocaust is in all minds and nobody wants to begin that again but for people who lived that, this fear is still there against strangers.

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